We are exceptionally proud to announce that our head coach Jon Doherty has been announced as England Hockey Perkins Slade Coach of the Season!

Jon was nominated for this award by the club and also by Warwickshire county hockey. Jon’s commitment to all player development at Hampton and for juniors within the England Hockey single system, as well as the support provides to all the coaches he works with is what stood him out from the crowd.

Since we posted the news on Twitter and Facebook, tributes have been flooding in from members new and old and it just shows how much on an impact Jon has had on so many players.

Jon’s son Rhys, Andy Woolford, Lloyd Brammer, Helen Barratt, Dafydd Bowles and Steve Bradley accompanied Jon to the England Hockey awards dinner and we’re all pictured below celebrating with one of the England Hockey representatives and the Investec zebra!


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